What My Granddaughter is Teaching Me

Joanne reflects on the wisdom of her three year old granddaughter.

Penny in her summer style.

Life lately has been a bit different. My son John, daughter in law Jessica, and my three year old granddaughter Penny have temporarily come to live with us. After selling their house in the East End of Pittsburgh, they are here until the process of buying their next home is complete.

Of course, when two families merge and share one full bathroom, it’s a bit challenging. But the fulfilling parts of being together far outweigh the minor inconveniences.

John and Jess love to cook whereas Jim and I, after years of it, could honestly care less. Previously resigned to simple meals, we now eat gourmet dinners practically every night. Wonderful fried fish, marinated chicken kebobs, pork medallions, creative vegetables, and delicious burgers. It’s truly been wonderful.

But the true bonus of living together is the joy of Penny. It is almost like experiencing my grandson and daughter (who lived with us for many years) all over again. Yes, at my age there are trying moments. There’s less alone time, more noise, endless toys. However the treasure of so much “small child” time is truly priceless.

For the first couple of weeks after their arrival, Penny and I would be up before anyone else. We’d take my coffee and her milk outside and watch the sun come up. We’d sit there, leaning against each other, and do very little. I figured she was tired so sometimes we didn’t even talk. Penny had witnessed weeks of packing and piles of boxes. Sometimes we just sat on the front porch, floating in a swing I had previously, barely used. Each of us with frosty bowls of strawberry ice cream, the joy of these moments is indescribable.

Penny has reminded me of the wisdom that nothing is really that important. She likes to take her time- what’s the rush after all?- and languish by dancing, singing, or talking to Jordan, our pet. Penny makes us all slow down. Discoveries can be made daily and she has marveled over the simplest things- butterflies, ants, flowers, bees, and birds.

I’m grateful for this time with my granddaughter that may never come again. If I’m feeling a moment of impatience, I only need to think of what it will be like when Penny has moved into her new house. That brings me back to the place I need to be.

“I do not understand the mystery of grace — only that it meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us.” 
― Anne Lamott

Join me at my first signature event- Refill Your Cup! I’m so excited to gather with such a great group of speakers and vendors, to encourage rest and relaxation. Here’s the LINK.

It's nice to share. Thank you.

9 Replies to “What My Granddaughter is Teaching Me”

  1. What a beautiful story and lesson that Penny is teaching you…and us all…slow down, enjoy each day, and savor the ice cream and milk moments with nana. Love the photo! 😘💕🌻

  2. Good morning, Joanne☀️ How awesome you and Jim are having this wonderful experience! Our son, wife and first granddaughter also lived with us for 6 mo while their home was being built.( we had just “downsized” to a condo 😍)! It was nice in so many ways, as Jim’s & my mother, friends, & relatives got to spend more time with Madeline. Hectic at times, however we made it work and made memories we all cherish. We still talk and reminisce about about the time we spent together! Penny will always remember spending special moments with Nana❤ How lucky you are to have such delicious meals to enjoy!

  3. Hi Joanne, One of the best times for us…when D & G moved in with us just after college. We got to know Sweet, Smart, Funny Gabi so much better on a daily basis. Great memories.
    You are one lucky Granny to have Penny there with you on a daily basis. They change so dang quickly at that age. You get to see all the bits of goodness.

    Thanks for sharing your grandgirlie with us.

    PS. Also, nice to have lovely meals prepared. Huge bonus!

    Hugs, Daleen

  4. How wonderful you get to enjoy that experience! Since I am raising my 4 grand kids, I don’t get that luxury…but thank you for the reminder that I should just slow down and enjoy it!

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