What I Can Be Grateful For Right Now


I have to say, this quarantine is quite the challenge. I’ve been fairly sequestered since March 14 and as the days wear on, staying positive feels like a daily chore.

Since I have spent the last seven years caring for my mom, my life was relatively simple. I had pared back my schedule, no longer working full time, but in the process started a part time business that has been my salvation.

But for wedding coordinators and other event personnel these are trying times. I’m working on a few ideas but business has come to an almost screeching halt. My husband is working from home and honestly, I’m relieved to have him here. From a standpoint of family safety, and for the income it provides, there is much to be thankful for.

What is getting me through? Well, besides coffee and chocolate, it’s Gratitude. Yes, that meaningful little word has become a daily touchstone for me.

In expressing what I’m grateful for, I’ll tell you what I did this morning. I awoke at 6:15 am, started the coffee pot, and walked outside to fill my bird feeders. I wiped the rain drops from my outdoor bench. By the time I walked back in the house, the coffee was just about ready.

I took a cup, a pillow, and went back outside. As I sat on the bench with my warm cup of coffee, I relaxed and listened. The birds were a musical cornucopia. There was so much singing among them, joyous sounds of morning bliss, that I couldn’t help but feel grateful for their chorus.

Aaron Doucett

All day long, on and off, I check on my bird friends to see how they’re doing. I watch them intermingle with the squirrels. I wait for a new sparrow to choose my birdhouse for their next nest. The blackbirds position themselves on the rod where my feeders hang from, perching themselves to have access to the sunflower seeds. They all provide me with a daily reminder to be happy.

Along with the birds, I am in awe of what is blooming in my own backyard. This week I snipped branches of purple lilacs and made a vase full for both me and my mom. Their fragrance fills my kitchen. My peonies are budding, my roses are filled with fresh growth, and my azaleas are on the cusp. Every day I walk outside and look around, waiting for another flower to blossom.

I recently bought zinnias, dahlias, and a few herbs but here in Pennsylvania, it’s a bit too early to put them into the ground. So I have them in pots, outside during the day, and brought in for cooler overnight temperatures. I can wait. They are thriving and it won’t be long until it’s time to plant them in the ground.

One of my orchids has birthed six fresh blooms, with at least three more buds to go. To say they are beautiful is an understatement.

Not my orchids, but these are exactly what I have! Kelly Sikkema

If I just look around, I can find these simple reminders of beauty. This situation will not last forever. It takes a bit of emotional work to stay grounded. We have never had this type of global rest before and we may never have it again. Let’s cherish it.

It's nice to share. Thank you.

2 Replies to “What I Can Be Grateful For Right Now”

  1. Good morning, Joanne! Love these Sunday morning posts to accompany by church service. There is definitely something to be said about life as we know it now. I personally have been more aware of the beauty of nature. I have always loved spring, however this year I appreciate it’s beauty. I had the experience of watching a young squirrel climb up the chair on my patio to snatch the crackers I had planned to feed to the birds. They were in a bag & he dragged the bag thru the yard and up a tree.( not an easy job for a young one). It is still dangling there as he couldn’t open it. Too far us for us to reach it & help him out. I’m not sure I would have been sitting in my living room relaxing if it weren’t for the pandemic, & I would have missed all of this. You orchids are beautiful! Happy healthy Sunday..

    1. Hi Cindy! I have watched our squirrels do some pretty funny things. I watched one day as one of them managed to get my suet feeder open and he made off with a piece of suet that was the size of a small steak! He dragged that thing through the grass and he must have been pretty proud of himself! It’s true, if it weren’t for the pandemic, we wouldn’t have all of this time. Thank you so much for visiting my blog today. xoxo Joanne

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