On Being “Katherine’s Daughter”

In just three short months since I started blogging, life is definitely different. I love writing my blog, being part of the writing world and sharing some inspirational experiences of love, hope and faith.

WordPress.com is the host of my blog. For me it has become a mecca of sorts, where I can rub shoulders with and be inspired by some great writers. When I began the creation process for my blog, the WordPress prompts asked me what is the name of your blog? In the two minutes it took me to think of a name, I chose Katherine’s Daughter. Yes, I am the daughter of a Katherine (with a K!). She is the beautiful woman with me in the picture above. We are all someone’s daughter or son, aren’t we? Perhaps I felt my blog name implied a common bond that I could share with my audience.

That said, I have friends who do not (or did not) have memorable mothers. It doesn’t matter. I swear God sees to it that there is always someone in our life who will love, nurture and care about us. That chosen person will bring out the good parts of us and love us unconditionally, thank goodness. They will mentor us through difficult times. Think of who that person is for you. That person, for me, is Katherine.

My father passed away some fifteen years ago. Katherine is now 82 years old but gets along very well. Her vision is somewhat compromised so Cally, my youngest sister, has begun reading my blog posts to Katherine whenever she visits her.

I spoke with Katherine last night and she mentioned three of my last blog posts. Cally had apparently read all of them to her yesterday and Katherine said something to me about each one. I am truly blessed to have a mother who not only supports my writing but makes positive comments about it! Good Lord, what a blessing!

I want to thank my family and friends who have supported my blog, shared it on their Facebook pages, loved me through this process, even become one of my subscribers. In case you didn’t know, there is a place on my blog page where you can sign up to get my twice weekly blog stories. (Yes, you can have me drop- kicked to your email every week!). Best of all, it is FREE to subscribe. I just love free stuff…don’t you?

My goal is to publish a book, hopefully within a year, with stories on faith and love. A book to warm your heart and help you realize how truly loved you are. So many things have inspired me (another story!) and I just continue to follow my dreams. I hope you don’t mind if I take you with me.

It's nice to share. Thank you.

12 Replies to “On Being “Katherine’s Daughter””

  1. Hi Joanne – Would love to be “drop-kicked” an email! Remember when we wee “aspiring” journalists back in the day!!! We were the closest of friends back then. Love you girl friend – Kathy

  2. Amen sister. We are so lucky to have the absolute best mom who loves us unconditionally. Of course the advice is sometimes a bit off. Like when i beat Chucky Webb in baseball and mom said “Mary, girls don’t beat boys.” or one of my favorite mom-isms, “Be strong. Don’t cry.” Even in the bad advice, there’s good advice. i wouldn’t be the feminist i am today without the Chuckie comment. Or know that the last thing my mom wants to see or hear is me unhappy. love you Jo.

  3. Mom-isms, I love that. Jo, Mary, & Cally you beautiful strong women are so lucky to have Kay (Katherine) in your lives, as a mother and also as someone that regardless if she were your mother, I know all three of you would still want to know her. Even though from time to time she’ll repeat herself (who doesn’t) and sometimes says things where you just wanna crook your head and say “Oh no she didn’t” Kay is a one of a kind jewel that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I’m reminded of when she first met my husband Julio and when he excused himself to use the bathroom she turned to me and said “He’s adorable Christina, don’t you mess this up” I will forever crack up at that comment and I will forever be grateful to be a part of Kay’s life.

    1. You are such a sweetheart. Everyone has a good Kay story don’t they? (PS.There is a story coming from me to you sometime soon!)….Love you, Jo

  4. Sadly, I fall into the category of not having had a mom who was able to mentor, support and love unconditionally. I’ve had some people in my life, at different times, who inspired, encouraged, and mentored me for brief periods of time. However, no one relationship with any person has continued, unbroken.

    I look forward to reading more about what that kind of relationship is and can be, in hopes that I can become that for at least one of my children. Thank you for sharing.

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