On Heaven, Faith…and Love


I’ve been reading a lot of books lately. Many books, mainly on Heaven and Faith. It has given me much food for thought.

In the last six months or so, I’ve read “Heaven is for Real“, “90 Minutes in Heaven“,  “In the Shadow of a Badge” and I just finished “Proof of Heaven“. Lest you think I am completely off my rocker, I’ve also read “Explosive Eighteen” (I love those Stephanie Plum novels!), just to give my brain a break. And…I’m in the process of finishing “Everything Matters, Nothing Matters” by Gina Mazza and “Help Thanks Wow” by Anne Lamott. Yep, I am steeped in Heaven and Faith lately.

Here’s the hodgepodge of thoughts running through my head about Heaven, Faith and Love.

DSC_00041. It’s all about Love- Unconditional Love. The Universe (God, your Higher Power) loves and cherishes you and me unconditionally. Literally, we can do no wrong. We are forgiven.

2. You and I can have a deep relationship spiritually with the Universe (again God, HP) if we but take some bits of time to connect and feel the spirit deep in our soul. Prayer and Meditation help with this.

3. At the very least, we can have a kitchen sink of faith; the kind that doesn’t answer to any real organized religion. It can be a belief system of our own creation. I think God isn’t really picky. S/He just wants you and I to be happy.

Now, this may not sit well with everyone reading this and that’s ok. I am not aiming to stir up controversy (well, maybe!) but I just want you to THINK a bit.

IMGThat’s what I’m trying to do. THINK a bit. And keep myself open to all that I can learn and feel about God and Faith. There was something I read recently, something that seems too well placed to be just a coincidence. Here it is:

“Once I knew that I wanted to be an artist, I had made myself into one. I did not understand that wanting doesn’t always lead to action. Many of the women had been raised without the sense that they could mold and shape their own lives, and so, wanting to be an artist (but without the ability to realize their wants) was for some of them, only an idle fantasy, like wanting to go to the moon”. Judy Chicago

What do you really want? Do you have the courage to ask for and then receive and accept your dream?

I am beginning to realize that I can truly dare to dream on a higher level and a wish can become reality. Or better yet, I can have no idea what would be right for me and dare I stand back and let God choose for me?

Yes, it is a huge leap of faith. And it is not about taking the bull by the horns. It is about stepping back, letting go and allowing Faith to step in and assist.

(Thanks again to my daughter Michelene and my sister Cally for these photos!)

What’s your brand of faith? Share it with me…I’d love to hear about it!

It's nice to share. Thank you.

14 Replies to “On Heaven, Faith…and Love”

  1. Oh boy! One f my favorite subjects, with no one to share it with, except my sister, LOL! My beliefs don’t fit into any organized religion. I believe in God (HP/Universe) and have chosen beliefs that feel right to me.I believe the things you have stated here…and more! God is my strength and he is carrying me through some tough times right now. I believe that God has given me a gift when it comes to words. I am a natural editor. I just wish I had done something with it sooner, but then I think…it’s all about GOD’S timing, not mine!
    Thanks for sharing Joanne!

    1. Cathy, we can have a conversation about this any time! I know God is with you during these times and I hope you are placing yourself front and center. Blessings to you! And I may need you some day and your “editor” gifts! xo Joanne

  2. Joanne, how true!! I am in the midst of a testimony to all that you’ve said here, and hope to post about it soon.

    Jesus did tell us that whatever we ask in prayer we must believe we receive it. Since everything is vibrational, we MUST get into the emotion of what we would feel like if we already had it manifested in front of us. That releases the power of faith and what is already prepared for us can become substance.

    And I totally agree about the allowing part. Most of us think, and I was one of them, too, that we have to ‘make’ something happen. But the mindset of making something happen is insinuating that it isn’t already there for us. Allowing it to happen is just getting out of our own way with negative thoughts and emotions, and keeping good positive thoughts within us. This allows what God already has for us to manifest, become ‘real’.

    I believe, get rid of ‘religion’ and it’s rules, and Get God! And we will prosper and bloom, and flourish, and THRIVE in every area of our lives: physically, spiritually, and financially.

    You’ve said it beautifully in this post, and I’m excited. “Seek first the kingdom of God and ALL these things shall be added to you.” Get into the kingdom mentality and way of thinking and everything you need will be given, freely, and effortlessly. Like I said, I’m excited!!

    Blessings for a prosperous 2013 in every area of your Life,
    Marianne xox

    1. Marianne,
      I am so happy you are excited over this post. Believe me, I thought more than twice about not posting this sharing but I decided it was definitely worth saying.
      It is the way I am finally coming around to thinking (and I am willing to stick my neck out and say so!). Your words of encouragement mean more to me than you will ever know.
      I can’t wait to read your post/words on this same subject.
      As always, it is wonderful to hear from you! xo Joanne

  3. I welcome your thoughts. Open and friendly and deeply felt. My faith is very scatterbrained but I think there is a great deal to be said for standing back. It’s incredibly hard to do. Um….well, it might be easier with more faith! I have finished Travelling Mercies. I love the prayers, thank you and help!

  4. Hi Joanne, I just read this post in my email, and then I went onto read some other daily readings “Ironically” I came across a reading about dogma. After reading your blog post, I thought I would share this little description of spirituality ….”The God (HP) I believe in dances with me!”

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